Mar 2, 2009

Bad hair life.

So there are a bunch of people who love to say how wonderful Michelle Obama's fashion sense is. But my opinion is, that even if I was a fan of her husband, which I am NOT*, I would still HATE her "fashion sense." Her hair on the cover of US weekly or whatever where she looks like someone tried to give her and 80's do' and utterly failed at it. Really, her hair most of the time is pretty godawful. she's got a large forehead, and the way her hair is always shooting up straight from her head for and inch or so is very unflattering to her. As for her clothes, she has had a few nice outfits, but there were many more that just made me want to gag, and made me think (and once yell) for the zillionth time "WHY WOULD ANYONE MAKE THAT!!!!????!!! AND WHY WOULD ANYONE BUY IT????!!!!???" because it's just that bad. So yeah you can love the guy and all and you can think his family is cool if you want too. But for the love of all things not yet squirrel-infested, don't go around praising Shelly O's "fashion sense," or fashion as we know it will see a very sad day. I don't want to see ambitious women walking around dressed like her, because it will just make them look stupid.

*(modern "liberals" really should just stop all the lies and start calling themselves Socialists, and Socialism is a result of greediness, laziness, and refusing to acknowledge several basic and unchangeable facts of natural law)

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